The three-and-a-half of us
I live in the presence of humble beings. Whether they are intrinsically so or exalted presence humbles my comrades is as sensational a topic of discussion as the question that whether the pet dog of Ashoka's seventh wife was known as Tommy or Chintu, or did he have any seventh wife at all. The bottom line is, I see them humbled. (Experts say that Ashoka was highly influenced by the west and had changed it from Chintu to Tommy several times, but her orthodox wife changed it back to Chintu - This was the sole reason why Ashoka converted to Buddhism. In my opinion, although, the best name for a dog is either Odie or Kutta. [Click here to read about the history of Kutta]).
I immediate companionship comprises of two-and-a-half people these days (the half symbolizes occasional interaction from one of the three creatures), but mostly it is the three of us (Jotshi,Punja-bee and the humble I) or the four of us (Jotshi,Punja-bee,Thee-Pooh and the humble I again) who can be seen working their way, as if they have all the time of the world, towards Subway(tm) or SDA(no tm) to while away their time while they have some to while. We three(or four) can be spotted pulling each other by our bags, pushing others off their paths, delivering our that’s-what-you-get(tm) punches, pinching(with corrosion as a result) and mostly laughing like hooligans at everything or nothing. People know us a couple of maniacs (how befitting - Mani(ac)s), as the crazy phools(
With time, each one has whetted their skills for cracking and deciphering far-fetched and baseless PJs. At times they're so far-fetched they seem to come from the other end of the universe and our wonderful, unique and acute apprehensive abilities have had the pleasure of apprehending all of them effortlessly. The PJs do sometimes venture out into the realm of what is popularly called 'Pondy' but then it is all a part of the game.
The startling part is, that over time, we have become similar, the three-and-a-half of us. How? Well, all of us have two hands, two eyes, one nose (with two nostrils each) and the biggest coincidence, none of us have thirty-two teeth. Now what else would you call that but similar. We like and dislike the same people. No we don't dislike people, we just like others more. We study the same courses and take our exams on the same days and sometimes even at the same time (and even in the same room - how astonishing, isn't it?) Now what else would you call that but similar. Even our histories are similar. All born and brought-up in
"Josmoshi saasmaali tosmo osbomtyuse haisami. Hasma Hasma Hasma." (I doubt anybody understanding that.)
But there are, co-incidentally, some differences too owing to the foreign elements that sometimes mingle and affect our states of existence. And sadly these elements shall continue to practice their influence on our poor members, making us more and more dissimilar over the quickly impending summer. Alas, it is all a part of the game. We still stand as a tripod (with half a central leg) and continue to benight the sight of passer-bys, continue to compress and extract (extremely perilous and difficult operations conducted on some members) each other, and as a result act as a recipe for a perfect whiling of unneccessary time and enjoying amidst the commotion of all tutorials, exams and other similar dreary entities.
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nice 1
well summers will pass soon yaar ,thts my bahvishyawani:P
neha, at March 17, 2007 10:41 PM
and those three and a half are also among the three and a half people i love a lot, and understand mostly. :P
Phoenix, at March 20, 2007 10:18 PM
Bolo Jai Jai Money ;) :P!
her, at March 23, 2007 6:40 AM
gareeb ladke kinta hugaa uchalta hai tu :|
Anonymous, at March 25, 2007 7:14 AM
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