Chapaat v2.0

Friday, December 30, 2005

Ze Royal Chapaat

Imagine the olden days. The really old ones. When there were forests, swamps, frogs, kings and princes and all such stuff.. When there were sinister witches who relished casting evil spells on poor princes just for passing time. When there princesses and were as beautiful as lilies, as spicy as the chilies, with fine figures as triangle isosceles, (sorry for the zabardasti rhyme) who used to roam around in the woods. Imagine such days for this is a story.. and mind you, a true story that happened then.

Royal Princess Djakarta (that was her name dumbo!) was loitering in the beautiful royal woods close to her royal castle. Ah! It was such a royal afternoon in the season of royal spring. The deers chirped royally, the birds wandered in search of royal grass and bushes and everybody would've lived royally and happily ever after if it weren't for two frogs. Frog sir Arthur and Frog sir Laster.

Frog sir Arthur saw her highness and his eyes lit up as if he had seen the beauty of 10 moons at once. That wonderful sight could've never been seen on earth(You would've had to go to jupiter or saturn to see that many moons, you see). She was coming close to where they were, in a very royal style of walking. Everything about her was royal.. Her eyes, her lips, her nose, her body.. even the paint in her room was 'Asian Paints Royale Emulsion'.. more so, even at Baskin Robins she always had 'Choclate Mousse Royale' (My fav. too!).

"Oh Princess, I call upon you.. Oh royal beauty, turn your face unto us", articulated Frog sir Arthur in a very heavy, dusky and polished fashion.
"Huh!".. The princess was royally amused... "What.. Wha... ??"
"Oh Princess! Thy beauty has enmeshed thy humble servants. Allow me to tell you that, I am a prince but a wicked witch has metamorphosed me into an ugly frog. If only ... ", but was interrupted by the princess.
"Excuse me! Mr.Frog! You bloody desperate creature. Now don't you ask for a kiss you son-of-a-frog! Rascal!"
She poured the cussing so royally, they seemed so sweet as Arthur looked at her in delight.

"I am not lying my dear. Please kiss me and this is what I shall become", said the frog producing a photograph from his pocket, of a tall, fair and handsome prince that appeased Djakarta to the royal limits!
"Wow!!!!!! He's so royally handsome!!!", exclaimed Djakarta.
"Then kiss me on my lips my darling", said the excited frog.

Mustering up all her courage owed to her strong 'prince'ly desire, the desperate princess bent over to kiss the ugly repuslive frog. The kissing scene went on for about 3-4 minutes. Frog sir Laster's mouth fell open... It was so wide open that by luck a fly entered it.. Oh yeah and it was really yummy too! Just as the kissing business finished, the princess stood up, wiped her face with her royal handkerchief and waited for some reverse magic to happen.. But to her royal astonishment the frogs hop-hoped giant hops and escaped the spot within 3.7462 microseconds(approx) ...Arhur saying to Laster,"Chal be! Nikaal das rupiye ab!!!".. (Come on! You owe me 10 bucks now!!) [[Audience Laugh]]

When I wrote 10 rupiye I remembered an incident about do rupiye. Let me first clarify what do rupiye means. There exists a girl in our collez called Reetu. That poor(not financially) girl unfortunately (for her) came to exist as one of my knowns and as an usool I had to change her name.Reetu, you know, sounds so obsolete, hence the transformation:
Reetu -> Re2 -> Do Rupay..
On with the real story: So once there was this CS class going on and a teacher called NG was teaching some arbit alogrithm. So NG had this habbit of cracking really poooooor jokes which only very poooooor people could appreciate. (eg.Mayush and me). As expected or maybe unexpected, I dont know; he cracked a very pooooor joke. I was not his student hence only Mayush appreciated and laughed wholeheartedly. Amused that Mayush laughed at such a stupid joke, DoRupay suddenly laughed out loud in a very stupid manner. Seeing the style in which Dorupay laughed, the whole class laughed at her and hence the joke was successful. NG laughed too. Now thats what I call a chain-joke.


Sunday, December 25, 2005

Chapaating Contest ! ! !

[[ results and winners out! ]]

Overall Winner:
Mr.The Anonymous must congratulated for he has cracked 8 / 9 names and must be chapaated coz he missed such an easy one. (7th wala)
Hence a shabaashi type chapaat to you.
Everyone please give him a hand. (on his cheek as shabaashi chapaat)

Kudos to other people who have attemped got answers. Their names can be seen under the pictures. There are some people who gave some me the answers on Yahoo Messenger but did not care to comment. But its okay, all a part of the game.

[[This post is taken from Chapaat v1.0... If someone has seen these before, please keep mum]]

I've made many pics n each represents a famous personality.. Simple.. guess their names..

Each winner will get a bumper prize sponsored by our sponsors.



Hint:These old men are very rich and ya, think in hindi!

Illiterate Sneha


Hint:Remember your chemistry people!

The Anonymous
Illiterate Sneha


Click for Answer

Hint:This is a tough one! Try thinking in english hindi both. Relatively new artist.Guess this and a toblerone from my side.

Winners:Miss. Peepo
The Anonymous

Click for Answer

Similar..Very similar

The Anonymous
Illiterate Sneha


Click for Answer

Hint: Think English hindi mixture.

The Anonymous

Click for Answer

Hint: These are 4 good friends!

The Anonymous

Illiterate Sneha

Click for Answer

Hint: What is this person doing ?[[This is the easiest]]


Click for Answer

No Hint.Winners:

The Anonymous
Illiterate Sneha

Click for Answer


Hint: What is it ? Where is it ?
The Anonymous


Click for Answer