Chapaat v2.0

Tuesday, September 20, 2005



Update: (explanation)
This could be known as, what we generally call, a cryptic post.. and contains subtle humor(atleast for me it does)
my friends disregard this post, by sayin "CHAPE!" (corny)

Let me now open to you, what was on my mind..
The post is called arbit bcoz the white lady says something seriously arbit for some1 who understands lagnauges like eng and hindi ('You justen blackened tim...' is a completely arbit statement having no meaning whatsoever)

the other person has no choice but to say "Beg your pardon.... Mad-dumb"
thats how the english say it

exploiting exactly this, the witty whitey lady, now has full foolproof proof that
the guy is a beggar (who else begs ??)

"Chall hatt bhikhari" is generally considered a sign of arrogance and haughtiness...
Here, its called a chapaat!

Yes... A Chapaat!


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