Chapaat v2.0

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Well, before I reached collez......
"Oh you mean while you were on the way??"

I mean, before I started studyin in collez.....
"Ohh!! Do you actually STUDY in collez ??"

Oh shit!
Before I joined collez..
"Thats fine...."

So, before I was here(in collez) , I had a very odd impression about dipsites. (People from DPS)
I thought people from that school were too highly impressed by the west and everybody thought they were from America or sumtn like tha'....

I considered dipsites to be max. arrogant, haughty and the unknowing-hindi-indians and they would use terms like "I Guess..." or "Hey dude!!!" or "Whateva" and ya "Yo Maaan!"...

Not that I was from a govt. school or lived in slums, but we all talked to each other in hindi. I thought that people in dps, stylishly talked in english.

Most surpisingly(to me even), I thought they dressed up like rappers and kept sayin "Yo man!" and "Yo dude! 'Sup" all the time. I had imagined everyone in their school said such stuff.. Everyone.....
So while giving the attendence teacher calls out
"Hey wherez the roll no. 41 dude"
"Yo ma'am! Aaaaam Here!" (Raising their rap style hand)

[[Rap style hand is similar to rock style hand... Only index and small finger opened up]]

I thought these people were so influenced by the west that they might be looking like this

No dumbo! not like garfield.. Notice the rapper part....

Things changed after I got to know a few people from DPS in collez..
(Oddly enough there was no dipsite studyin in our school :| )

I got to know that they were normal people, spoke hindi, did not listen to rap and only rap and do not wear long chains with 7-lever locks hanging in them on top of fancy jerseys with matching caps. (I actually thought so)

I know many of them now through various sources, but I know Mayush, PG and Veeru closely which is enough to void my earlier impression.

But Maayush still showed me a pic where he does look like a rapper!!
He says once there actually was such a fashion in school.

(Maayush and his American Rapper friend)

Now what do I say ??


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